This semester, as many have said before me, has come with its fair share of difficulties! One of them for me is the requirement of creating video material as part of our class assignments. This is an area that is new to me, and I had a lot of apprehensions towards the idea in the beginning. It felt like creating videos was just something that I didn’t do. However, through some practice, trial, and error, I have found myself feeling comfortable putting together a video assignment!

This video was an assignment for the class EDCI 413: Pedagogy for Science Education, taken in the spring 2021 semester. Using an iPhone and iMovie as my tools, me and another few classmates completed this assignment (permission was granted to share this video). This video was graded in the EDCI 413 class based on its ability to clearly showcase and describe a scientific experiment to a predicted audience of students.

The first part of the experiment was put together by myself, meaning that I created and edited the clips that were included. As well, I interjected photos and voice-overs and even used some basic video editing skills such as speeding up or cutting the video. I still have a long way to go before I describe myself as being fully proficient in video and audio editing, but given where I started with these skills, I am proud of the final product!